Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Video: Bill Shorten on Board for Labor Party Reform

"It is clear to me that there is a widespread, genuine passion for rebuilding the Labor party.

...Today I announce the start of a major campaign to rebuild the Australian Labor Party and renew our sense of purpose.

...Making Labor more democratic and more representative is also about reaching out to union members – not just those in leadership positions – to join our party and participate in our decision-making.

Unions will always have a vital role to play in Australian society – and I want union members to continue to play a role in our party, as members."

For the full transcript of Bill Shorten's Per Capita speech 'Towards a modern Labor Party' please click the link.

There was a Q&A session. This video Bill Shorten on Board for Labor Party Reform Q&A has extensive excerpts:

Bill has made significant challenges to National Executive, National Conference and State Conferences to come to the reform table and take up the cause. The leaders of affiliated unions and their members have to make some brave decisions. There will be opposition from some with vested interests in maintaining the status quo. It's up to Labor party members and supporters to help in the transition to a truly modern Labor party in whatever forums they can, and as importantly at a personal level.

As Bill said,
"So today is a day for facing up to some hard truths. 
Friends, Tony Abbott did not put Labor in Opposition – the Australian people put us here.
And unless we change, it is where we will stay."
There is no turning back now. It's time for everyone to come on board or get out of the way.

I have been elected as a delegate from the Goldstein electorate to the Victorian State Conference on 17-18 May and look forward to engaging in constructive discussions about revitalising and democratising the party.

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