Monday, July 25, 2016

What has the Victorian Labor government ever done for human rights?

Developments in Human Rights in Victoria 2016

Martin Pakula MP, Victorian Attorney-General, addressed the Castan Centre Human Rights Law annual conference on 22 July 2016. He launched the government's response to the Victorian Human Rights Charter Review.

A major focus of the Government’s response will be to ensure that an appropriate human rights culture continues to be built in the Victorian public sector.

To do this, the Government will prioritise human rights training and education for public sector employees.

The Department of Justice and Regulation will provide an additional $1.25 million this financial year to the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission and the department's Human Rights Unit.

The Attorney-General also outlined some of the developments in Human Rights in Victoria since the government was elected in November 2014. These included laws supporting LGBTI rights and responses to the Royal Commission into Family Violence.

The following video contains part of his speech:

The Castan Centre YouTube channel should have the full version available soon.

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Sunday, July 3, 2016

Liberals Lost for Words Over Malcolm Turnbull

It was a defining moment of #ausvotes2016.

The scene: outside Black Rock Primary School polling place just after voting began on 2 July. It as as true-blue as it gets. New kid on the block, former 'Freedom Commissioner' Tim Wilson, won the seat easily, replacing Andrew Robb, retiring Trade minister.

The players: 3 Liberal Party campaigners, one Green and myself were handing out How-to-Vote cards.

The question: A discussion ensued about Bill Shorten's leadership and campaigning. After some consensus that he's performed above expectations, the Green asked what should have been a dorothy-dixer. "What about Malcolm?"

The answer: 3 jaws dropped simultaneously, with eyes darting to the others for help. After an embarrassing sterile pause, some generalities about Turnbull having faced a difficult task.

The lesson: If Turnbull continues as PM, he will need to win the confidence of his own followers before he can show real leadership of the country.

Anyway, Draw your own conclusions. The mainstream media and the commentariat are little help. They've proved how out of touch (to pinch a 3 word slogan from Labor) yet again.

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