Friday, April 10, 2009

True/Slant: latest new journalism

Given the increasing speculation about the future of traditional news media, it's interesting to see another concrete addition to the new kids on the online block. True/Slant is the latest content news network.

It claims to be the digital home for the “New Journalist.” Its founders appear to have a strong background in the MSM. The Wall Street Journal reports:

This week, a new Web news site is entering the fray, with a novel approach to journalistic entrepreneurship, new forms of advertising, and an effort to blend journalism and social networking.

The site, called True/Slant, at, is opening its doors via an odd preliminary status it calls an “open alpha.” This means it’s rough around the edges, and not yet taking in revenue, but hopes to attract enough participation to hone its design and operation.

True/Slant is run by a former news executive at America Online who worked at a variety of publications, including The Wall Street Journal. It covers a wide range of topics, such as politics, culture, sports, business, health, science and food.

True/Slant Tests Another Model Of Web Journalism

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